• Development of decision support models, more specifically, two types of models are developed within the e3 Hub: 1) integrated assessment models, which make it possible to study the trade-offs between mitigation of climate change (through measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions); within the energy sector) and other climate policy measures (adaptation and geoengineering); and 2) energy models, which describe in detail the energy sector (Quebec and Canada), in particular to determine the trade-offs between energy efficiency and other energy policy measures. These developments involve several students and collaborations between several professors, and generate several scientific publications, see below.


  • Participation in the Energy modeling forum organized by Stanford University. As part of the current phase (EMF 34) on modeling and analysis of North American energy systems e3 Hub implements the NATEM energy model (from the TIMES family of models from the International Energy Agency) to analyze the Canadian energy system, together with Environment Canada (with their EC-MS-MR model) and the National Energy Board (with their Energy2020 model).


  • Publication of reports on topics of interest. e3 Hub is currently working on the Canadian Energy Outlook – CEO, in collaboration with the Trottier Energy Institute. This report will present an analysis of different scenarios for possible changes in Canada’s energy sector for the coming decades, including the achievement of various federal and provincial targets for greenhouse gas reduction. This report is expected to be released in the fall of 2018. Note that this publication is jointly funded by the Trottier Family Foundation, the Trottier Energy Institute and e3 Hub.